Download Fun While It Lasted: My Rise and Fall in the Land of Fame and Fortune, by Michael D'Antonio Bruce McNall
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Fun While It Lasted: My Rise and Fall in the Land of Fame and Fortune, by Michael D'Antonio Bruce McNall
Download Fun While It Lasted: My Rise and Fall in the Land of Fame and Fortune, by Michael D'Antonio Bruce McNall
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Creativity is highly prized in the business world but once that creativity extends to bookkeeping, things can get a bit sticky. Bruce McNall's creative career afforded him celebrity status, millions of dollars, an opulent lifestyle, and, in the end, a five-year prison term. His memoir, Fun While It Lasted, which shares the same breeziness hinted at in its title, is both entertaining and a bit depressing. McNall parlayed a boyhood interest in rare coins into a profitable livelihood even before entering college. Within a few years, he was traveling the world, buying up coins from shady dealers and reselling them to Hollywood's elite. McNall played fast and loose with his prices and accounting and profited handsomely off a market that he helped create. From coins, he branched out, trading in thoroughbred racehorses, and buying the L.A. Kings hockey team. Ultimately, the FBI caught up with him and McNall was jailed for fraud. In reflecting on his life and crimes, McNall heartily endorses the assessment made by a Los Angeles Daily News reporter: "In the end, Bruce McNall wanted too much to be liked." And while that explanation is awfully sweet, if one judges by his choices and lifestyle it seems like his problem was plain old greed. Despite his financial success and stunning talent as a salesman, McNall always seemed to crave more money and power and was willing to break laws and lie to achieve them. Because it details a life more dramatic than most, and because its compelling central character ultimately gets his comeuppance, Fun While It Lasted, co-written by Pulitzer Prize-winner Michael D'Antonio, manages to be both a fun adventure and a cautionary moral tale. --John Moe
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From Publishers Weekly
When McNall was a kid, his dad wasn't emotionally available, and, as a result, McNall grew up with a need to be liked. An oversized need, actually, which is why, he says, he defrauded several financial institutions out of $236 million. As a teenager, McNall was fascinated by ancient coins and soon became one of the world's leading collectors and dealers. Later, he got into horse racing, creating ownership syndicates that included the rich and famous. He bought a movie production company, a Canadian football team and the L.A. Kings hockey team. He brought Wayne Gretzky to the U.S. and, in 1992, was appointed chairman of the National Hockey League. Alas, ethics weren't a part of McNall's voyage to millionairedom. He abused his position to buy ancient coins well below the wholesale price, smuggled coins out of Tunis, paid under-the-table commissions and, before long, graduated to fraud. Taking payment for coins he had not purchased and using assets that didn't exist to secure loans, McNall was essentially operating a loan pyramid. By the time the FBI came to call, his company had nine different sets of books. McNall got 70 months for his crimes and offers a detailed but unconvincing account of the rigors of minimum-security federal prison camps. In fact, McNall is unconvincing as anything other than a white-collar conman, and his story, while sufficiently dramatic, doesn't provide enough backbone to give him credibility, never mind sympathy.Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.
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Product details
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Hachette Books; 1 edition (July 9, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0786868643
ISBN-13: 978-0786868643
Product Dimensions:
6.1 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.7 out of 5 stars
16 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#472,660 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Very entertaining read here for old Kings fans of the Gretzky era. McNall sadly had some things catch up with him all along having good intentions for all he knew. Really sort of sad story but a good read for those thinking of taking on debt also. Bruce McNall trated me well as a fan. He did a special thing for me that I will never forget and be in debt to him. During the 1993 Stanley Cup playoffs being a season seat holder, If I had wanted to attend the playoff games I would have to had bought the entire 4 rounds as a package. At the time I could not afford it. I handed him a small hand written note explaining how much a fan I was and that I just wanted to attend the Stanley Cup Final Home games. Which that season I'm sure he was saying to himself, "I doubt the Kings will even make it to the Final". Well, a few days after I handed him that note, he had the Kings sales guy sell me the tickets to the Stanley Cup Final home games. The salesman was not happy but Mr. McNall came through for me as a fan, and that was the first year the Kings made it for the first time in franchise history to the Stanley Cup Finals. Anyways, I always wished I could have said thank you to Mr. McNall but never got the chance. Sadly the Kings didn't win the Cup then, but it was still great I was there thanks to Mr. McNall who if people that read this book will realize that he IS a stand up guy. He paid his dues and this book is an insight into the world of fame and fortunes but always sadly being a step back. It was a great read for a GOOD MAN that should have gotten still to this day much more fame than what happened to him. If it wasn't for Bruce McNall, there would be no Anaheim Ducks, no Tampa Bay Lightning, no Florida Panthers and no Staples Center to this very day. It was basically all his doing regardless how he got it done. The LA Kings organization should be ashamed for not giving him more credit and recognition for what he accomplished. Imo, The Kings wouldn't even have the 2 Stanley Cups today had it not been for him bringing Gretzky to LA and fans and making hockey a big thing in Los Angeles. He is a GOOD MAN that deserves much better and tells it all in this great read. I wish Mr. McNall the best and hope to someday have him sign my book.
Great tale of a very Romantic life. My hats off to McNall!!Coins, Art, Auctions, Smuggling, Deals, Handshakes, Race Horses, Billionaires, Commodity Trading, Movie Producers, Beverly Hills, Investments, Sports, The FBI, and a hardworking guy who made it big, paid a big price, and never lost his sense of humor.I really liked this read.This guy did more by age 30 then most men could even dream about in a lifetime.
Worth every bit of the one cent I paid (and the +$3.99 postage). Actually, it is a good tale told by a man I new by reputation long before he got in trouble so I really enjoyeed the book.
good read, was easy to stay with. fascinating to see how everythign was held together with duct tape and chicken wire.interesting view of how the mighty can fall
Bruce McNall's story was one that was very interesting to me as I was a Kings season ticket holder during his years owning the Kings.Story was well written. It is a must read for fans of Wayne Gretsky coming to the Kings.
Just as he did in making LA Kings games a wonderfully popular attraction for hockey fans, McNall is providing heaps of fun for us in this memoir of his rise and fall. When watching a magician at work, we know the purpose is entertainment, rather than truth-telling; so, too, this volume is not a true soul-bearing confessional that reveals the internal demons that led McNall to a life of huge financial crimes. His deepest confession -- that he simply wanted to be liked too much -- clearly is a superficial revelation, but we know that McCall intends here to get us to like him (not to really understand him); although a different kind of book that truly exposed the dark side of his being would have been an important contribution, McCall instead succeeds in providing us here a thoroughly enjoyable few hours attending to his breezy recounting of his many colorful, if unlawful, achievements and a summary recounting of how they inevitably led to a 5-year detour behind bars. The worlds he traversed -- trading rare coins, breeding and racing thoroughbred horses, feature-film-making, and building winning sports franchises-- provide enough entertaining vignettes for many books (and many lives!), and we can be thankful that he crammed so much writing into such a manageable and readable volume.
The author, Bruce McNall, was no doubt a flawed individual who got swept up in some schemes that would ultimately send him to prison; yet he had a great deal of charisma which oozes through the pages of his book.This is a guy who certainly knew how to get people to buy into whatever it was he was "selling" at the time, and his perspective on his wild ride into the craziness of big business, professional sports, and of course, Tinsletown, make for an extraordinary read.Although his antics were a bit devious at times, McNall provided a fascinating look into the events that shaped his destiny, and really gives anyone a lesson into how fleeting fame and fortune can be when mixed with the volatile world of money, power and influence.That's a dangerous combination and should be handled with extreme care. McNall handled it with great abandon, but his honesty in revealing his flawed approach to certain aspects of life made for quite a compelling narrative.
Bruce McNall is a man who gained and lost a substantial fortune. How could a book detailing his experience not be entertaining?His memoir is at its most interesting as he is ascending from humble beginings to a place of wealth and affluence. It's a familiar story, but McNall's tale has a freshness to it. Somehow a coin dealer's evolution into a sports mogule is novel.Oddly, the book loses momentum when the author is shuffled off to jail. I doubt anyone picked up Bruce McNall's biography to catch a glimpse inside prison life, but his descripion of it is painstaking.Still, the man is a likable figure, and his story is an enjoyable one.
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